Jaime Blair Wood Traynor
Born in Regina SK October 3, 1986 – June 7, 2020
Caden Dembe Wood Traynor
February 11, 2020 – June 7, 2020
It is with profound sorrow that we announce the deaths of our beloved Jaime and her beautiful son Caden, both lives lived joyously but far too short. They were surrounded by love from their family, Heather Wood and Dave Traynor (parents/grandparents), Jaime’s siblings/Caden’s aunties and uncles Cory (Kayla Willison) and Kelly (Damian Williams), Caden’s cousin Parker, Nana Elaine Wood, and close and loving aunties, uncles, cousins and friends.
Jaime loved being a mother to her sweet boy. She was a single parent by choice, bringing her remarkable focus, resolve and strength to this decision. Caden was born in Jaime’s home in Victoria BC into the loving arms of his Nana Heather and their midwives. Jaime and Caden are inseparable and complete. They loved reading, walking and spending their days together. Caden’s untimely death, too short a time on this earth, was too much for Jaime who could not live without her beloved Caden.
Jaime was a compassionate and dedicated friend. She had a kindness and understanding of others, remembered by so many for her homemade cards and thoughtful gifts, visits, and phone calls. In her quiet way, Jaime brought people together and positively impacted so many lives. Jaime had an adventurous spirit, embracing fearlessly new experiences, whether stumping for Obama or white water rafting in Uganda. Jaime was so looking forward to sharing her love of travel with Caden. They travelled to far off and fanciful places through books and stories.
Jaime was a strategic and determined advocate, for both herself and others, working as a leader with Stigma-Free Society, understanding, navigating and supporting others in our fractured mental health system. She was a committed volunteer at KidSport, Saanich Volunteers, Shanti Uganda, the Regina Sexual Assault Centre, the Red Cross, and with individuals whose lives she enriched with weekly walks and visits. Jaime’s life was complicated by bipolar disorder but was not defined by it.
We are deeply appreciative of the efforts made by the countless individuals and agencies who helped to find Jaime and reunite her with Caden.
For those wishing to make donations, please consider a group of your choice supporting people living with mental health challenges, the Victoria Brain Injury Society (Jaime’s workplace), or KidSport. We would be grateful to have your memories and photos shared in the discussion section below.
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